How To Play Conan Exiles Offline

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Barbarians, unite! It’s time to jump into the brutal wilderness and see what kind of insane Conan Exiles mods the community has come up with. Here are the best Conan Exiles mods you absolutely cannot play without!

Apr 03, 2019  How to Play Offline Single-Player in Conan Exiles Conan Exiles is a gritty open world survival RPG that’s best known for its online multiplayer component. Uh you would assume without checking for confirmation first? I would like to assume it has offline play also since even ARK SE on console is playable offline, but I wouldn't really assume that without confirmation first, especially when the game has a large emphasis on multiplayer, and I read somewhere that even solo involves using server, so not sure if it really has offline play, which it.

Note, this list of Conan Exiles mods will contain some adult themes and NSFW content. Bonus points if you pick the exact point where that begins!

The Age of Calamitous

Best Conan Exiles Mods

It can be hard getting your name out there as an indie developer. With so many projects flooding the market these days, how can you spread awareness for your project in a way that doesn’t inflate your advertising budget to impossible heights?

Maybe you can look to Anarious Productions for inspiration: this team created an entire mod for Conan Exiles based on characters and lore from their upcoming book and game series, The Age of Calamitous.

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The mod adds a bevy of new resources and locations and has proven wildly popular with the Conan Exiles community, and in turn, this promotes the source material as it onto the next stage of development.

That seems like a dastardly good plan, and they deserve commendation not only for creating a stellar mod but for thinking outside the box on the promotion front.

The mod works especially well in tandem with the game’s subsequent Jewel of the West expansion.


Best Conan Exiles Mods

Remember learning about Pythagoras’ theorem in 12th-grade math class and thinking to yourself that it would never come in handy? Well, guess what?

You probably still don’t have to remember what it actually meant, because this Conan Exiles mod does all the crafting work for you. But kudos for thinking about it for a couple of moments.

Though it’s going through some compatibility issues at the moment, the Pythagoras mod has a great scope as a building tool.

Spiral stairs, weapon racks, wooden ladders and 90-degree triangle ceilings (hence the name)… Hopefully, it’ll return to full functionality soon, because we need a roof over our head, like, yesterday!

Pippi User and Server Management

Best Conan Exiles Mods

If you’re tired of the blind leading the blind, you can put your trust in Pippi, the all-encompassing party management system that helps organize and maintain the interactive aspects of Conan Exiles.

I like to think that Pippi is a mean old woman who chases off rogue players with a walking frame, but that’s just me.

Pippi features an upgraded chat system, a warp and command system, a rule system, a player system and a dynamic rank system.

What this myriad of systems amounts to is greater control over building your community, and when one considers how important guilds are in other MMOs, this is certainly a welcome addition.


Best Conan Exiles Mods

There’s little more satisfying than picking up a stray bit of coinage off the sidewalk, a thrill that you too can experience by applying this mod.

In actuality, this is one of those weird mods that offers something that probably should have been in Conan Exiles anyway. Why can’t you pick the things up without a mod?

Who knows, perhaps barbarians just have very bad knees.

LTs Compass

Best Conan Exiles Mods

Another one to file under the ‘things that should already be things’ folder; this mod gives you not only a compass to help you navigate around the sizeable map of Conan Exiles, but it also places a mini-map onscreen during regular gameplay, negating the need to pull out your map every time you want to work out your location.

It sure was generous of Lawrence Taylor to lend us his compass. Hopefully, he won’t want it back anytime soon.


Best Conan Exiles Mods

One of the best new Conan Exiles mods that is gaining traction for throwing in a few extra activities like horticulture and animal husbandry. Every brute needs a hobby.

Mommy barbarian and daddy barbarian are going to be so proud of your green thumb, especially if you later work out a way to create plants that prove fatal to your enemies.

Horticulture is fairly self-explanatory, allowing you to plant a range of flora, and even giving you garden boxes and decorative flower pots. How fun!

Animal husbandry creates an opportunity to build pens in which to house game.

It does not let you marry any of the animals, despite what the title may lead you to believe.

Offline Mode

Best Conan Exiles Mods

PvP can be a stressful environment to live in, what with all of the people murdering your sorry ass while you’re trying to husband animals in peace.

If you want to get away from the shenanigans and just enjoy the world, try out this mod that gives you an option to play Conan Exiles offline.

There weren’t any relevant pictures supplied, so we opted for this image of Tom Hanks for your consideration. He would probably like offline mode, too.

Dye More Betterer

Best Conan Exiles Mods

Sick of dying? Maybe you should start dying instead! Hahaha, the English language is silly.

Though the warriors of old weren’t known for their fashion sense, even they will have to stop and take notice of your colorful attire as you stride into battle.

The crimson red of your shawl will captivate their bloodlust, the stunning blues evoking fond memories of bruises. And the pink? Everyone likes pink.

It’s a no-brainer, really. Download this mod now to go from bore-ious to glorious!

Breast Physics

Best Conan Exiles Mods

Boobs! That’s the selling point.

“But Tony…” I hear you say skeptically, “Doesn’t Conan Exiles already have boobs?”

Yes indeed, but not these boobs.

If you’ve ever felt unfulfilled by the dormant state of breasts in this game, this mod will provide some much-needed titillation, sending them flailing around like a speed bag under the influence of a skilled boxer.

Before you accuse this as being superfluous, I attract your attention to the fact that this mod has a perfect five-star rating on Steam. Don’t blame the messenger, guys.

Shaved and Oiled

Best Conan Exiles Mods

If you’re going to download just one Conan Exiles mod today, make sure it is this one. Don’t ask any questions, don’t even think about the judgmental stares you’re liable to receive from bemused passersby – that’s your fault for playing in a public space of some description.

If you truly want to enjoy all that Conan Exiles has on offer, then you need to make sure that your warrior looks smooth like a baby’s bottom.

The shaved and oiled mod will morph your rugged character into something that is more appeasing to the eyes. The actual benefits of this are dubious unless somehow it arouses a fighting spirit within you.

Alas, it doesn’t make you excessively slippery, which in fairness, probably would have been a logistical nightmare, plus historically, barbarians were not inclined to escape from danger by sliding away like a penguin.

Less Building Placement Restrictions

Best Conan Exiles Mods

If you’re a PvP player in Conan Exiles, this likely isn’t going to interest you, but for solo, co-op, and RP server players, continue reading.

If you ask mod creator Multigun, they’ll tell you that while Conan Exiles’ building is okay, it was pretty limited in terms of where, what, and how you could build different structures.

This mod will overrule those annoying messages of NPC camps being too close, and drops your building structures wherever you want… because YOU’RE THE BOSS!

Simply put, if you want to see all of the humorous and bizarre outcomes that can happen from having more control over the building in Conan Exiles, the Less Building Placement Restrictions mod is absolutely one you need to install.


Best Conan Exiles Mods

Taking on monsters in Conan Exiles is great fun when you’re part of a fairly large group, or perhaps you love testing your endurance taking on some of the biggest and worst creatures solo.

No, we don’t fall into that latter group either, but if you’re playing solo or in a fairly small group and are still struggling with some of the enemies in Conan Exiles, mod creator Wasinator has you covered.

One of the best Conan Exiles mods, LowerMonsterHPSolo does exactly what the name suggests.

It changes the monster health values within Conan Exiles to provide a more even and enjoyable experience for those playing on their own or as part of a small group.

Litman Item Stack & Container Size

Best Conan Exiles Mods

You’ll get used to carrying a lot of items around in your inventory in Conan Exiles, before dumping them in some form of container afterward.

It’s not always the most entertaining task, but someone’s gotta do it if you want to progress in the game.

So you’ll probably have struggled with the item stack and container sizes in Conan Exiles once or twice.

The Litman Item Stack & Container Size mod for Conan Exiles increases both of these 10-fold over their values in the vanilla version. However, it’s worth noting that this won’t work for any armor or weapons you have.

Still, if you find yourself gathering and moving about items and materials a lot, this would certainly be worth adding.


How To Play Conan Exiles Offline Free

Best Conan Exiles Mods

Conan Exiles’ combat is fine and all, but there are some baffling design decisions that make it a little less immersive and engaging as it could be.

I mean, how often do you see people walking into battle while carrying their weapon? Well, yes, they can be if they’re being all bad-ass, but otherwise, it’s largely a running into battle kind of affair.

You can’t do that in vanilla Conan Exiles, but you can do exactly that (and other cool stuff), thanks to the RunningwithScissors mod.

Simply put, this allows your character to sprint with items in hand. Allows your characters to dodge forward, and also adds in fall damage reduction based on your character’s agility.

It’s only a small mod in the grand scheme of Conan Exiles, but it’s definitely nice to have.


Best Conan Exiles Mods

Conan Exiles will have you filling your inventory with all manner of items, only for you to switch things out, sell things, and replace it all with new and improved alternatives, instead.

As such, you’ll often find yourself carrying too much while you’re out adventuring. This is fine, we’ve seen it plenty of times in other RPGs.

What isn’t so great, however, is the way Conan Exiles screams “YOU ARE OVERENCUMBERED” at you every time you are, taking up a massive amount of your screen in the process.

Not exactly ideal when you’re busy doing something, and it comes up a hell of a lot, too. As such, the NoxUIchanges mod simply changes the scale and position of these pop-ups and other UI features to provide a more pleasant experience and a less overwhelming, in-your-face UI.


Best Conan Exiles Mods

Things can look a little drab from time to time in Conan Exiles. There’s just simply not enough flora and fauna to really help make your environments feel a little less… hostile and depressing.

The Gardener mod for Conan Exiles provides a bunch of plants that can be placed around your world. From small lotus flowers to swamp trees, the Gardener mod has it all.

Oh, and it can all be added from the Garden Bed workstation, so no confusion about how to access your newfound placeables.


Best Conan Exiles Mods

Has there ever been a time where you’ve created your character at the start of some epic RPG, and have still been happy with the way they looked throughout the entire duration of your quest?

No, we didn’t think so, and we haven’t either! That’s why some bright spark came up with the CharEditLite mod for Conan Exiles, so you never have to worry about looking the same way ever again!

CharEditLite, as the name suggests, offers a full character editor, complete with HD preview free camera modes, RGB color choices for shard creation, and more. You can also change the appearance of thralls, too!

Oh, and it works in solo, co-op, and server game modes, so you’re pretty set regardless of how you play.

IMMERSE RP & Building Decor

Best Conan Exiles Mods

The Conan Exiles community is all about role-playing and making the world feels as lifelike as possible. You don’t want barren settlements, but ones thriving with things to see and stuff to do.

Y’know, as if it was actually lived in. IMMERSE RP & Building decor is one of the best Conan Exiles mods because of how brilliantly it achieves this goal.

The Immerse RP & Building Decor mod for Conan Exiles adds in over 300 new placeable items to help decorate your world. Crates and barrels double up as storage.

Bushes, rocks, and other items now feature drop materials, and you can even drop down vendors and luxury goods merchants to make a bustling market.

Level 140 – Unlock Everything

Best Conan Exiles Mods

Conan exiles how to fly

The world of Conan Exiles is cruel and unforgiving, particularly for new, low-level players. That’s why this mod is pretty darn great.

No, it doesn’t just instantly make your character level 140 in order to unlock all the different attributes, perks, and feats in the game. Instead, you’ll need to earn it.

The Level 140 mod essentially enables you to work your way through the game with a fair and balanced approach.

You’re not going to be cheating your way through the game, and progression is set at the same rate that the developers used, but it does happen to make things a little more convenient.

It even comes with a few options to unlock those Legendary Chests if players have issues opening these at the usual levels following installing this best Conan Exiles mod.

Pause on Escape

Best Conan Exiles Mods

While the ability to pause an online game is never going to happen, it is possible to play the game in single-player, and then enjoy a quick break in the middle of intense action thanks to the Pause on Escape mod.

This Conan Exiles mod does exactly what the title suggests. While playing in the single-player mode of the game, pressing Escape on your keyboard (Esc) will pause the game entirely.

Perfect for when you’ve got enemies all up in your grill and you’re not prepared for battle.

We hope you enjoyed this list of best Conan Exiles Mods you can’t play without. If you’re looking for more tips and useful information on the game, check out our wiki page.

Conan Exiles can be played offline on both console and computer. However, since this is an open world survival game, many players enjoy join up with other players online.
Play Conan Exiles Offline / Single Player / Solo on Console
To play Conan Exiles offline on game console is very simple. All you have to do is select the single-player mode, review the character selection options and each time the game asks you if you want to switch to multiplayer mode or stay offline, you should select stay offline.
Play Conan Exiles Offline on Computer

How To Play Conan Exiles Offline 2

To play Conan Exiles offline on a PC is much more complex and you need a mod that you must install at your own risk. This mod is accessible through Reddit.

Conan Exiles Map

Here are some useful tips to get started in the Conan Exiles
- Guide to Save Conan Exiles Single Player Game Progress: In this game, you will die a lot and therefore it is recommended that you save in what location of the map you have died to be able to recover the equipment later. There are three spawn locations: desert, bedroll and bed. Here it’s better to have a bed so that you can return there.
- You should not carry all your valuables because if your character dies you can end up losing them forever. So once you have a house, leave all the items in it and only carry the essentials with you.
- Build your Stats: As you advanced in the game, your character you will get points that you can assign to the stats. The stats that must always be very high are strength, vitality and load. Strength allows making more powerful attacks, vitality gives more health and load will enable us to carry more items on top.
- East and drink is important: it is essential that you take enough food and water so that you don’t suffer unexpected deaths.
Water is quite to find because there are many lakes, rivers and streams scattered on the map, but food is difficult. While for food you can make use of small larvae or bugs that you can ingest, most of the foods that are worthwhile require cooking. So don’t forget to cook all the food if you don’t want to be intoxicated.
- It is important to build a house and a bed: It is quite simple to have your own house in the game. What you must do is build a house as soon as possible, but starting with a simple one and you will have time to get a better one. Houses are worth to protect us from enemies, prevent us from stealing and store valuable items.
Don’t forget to put a bed in your house, since it acts as a return point after your death. Note that some beds have limited uses.
- Try making friends: In a world as dangerous as that of Conan Exiles it is not always easy to make friends, but it is possible. Always try to team up with other users when appropriate, but don’t trust them either because at any time they can end your life by keeping valuable items.
- Unlock experienced Survivalist recipe: You will have many recipes throughout the game to unlock, but the first you must get is the Experienced Survivalist. Thanks to it you can unlock the fire and cook those foods that we have talked about before.
- You need a lot of storage space: It is essential that you build enough storage space, and for this you will need a bigger house. Realize that there are many recipes that you can make and many of them require a large number of materials that you can only keep if you have previously stored them.
- Venerate the god: Build a sanctuaries sop that you can venerate the god you choose. These places will offer us very interesting and useful articles. The downside of these sanctuaries is that they require a lot of resources to build them, but they end up being worth it.
- Kill all monsters so that you can level up steadily and make your character stronger.
- Don’t skip the tutorial: To have an adequate knowledge, don’t skip the missions that are available in the menu. All act as a tutorial that will invite you to perform different actions. Although many of them are very simple to make, do not skip it.
- Raw materials are always important: Even if you see lots of raw materials scattered around and you think you will not need them, you should always carry or have stored a considerable amount of all the raw materials of the game, such as branches, stones or vegetable fibers.