Fscd Online Claims Reimbursement

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Hi Sagar,

Contact the Children's Services at: Phone: 1-855-638-6121. Fax: 1-780-427-1258. Email: CS.ChildcareClaims@gov.ab.ca. SAP Transaction Code VYSPA (Insurance Debit Entry) - SAP TCodes - The Best Online SAP Transaction Code Analytics.

It is great that you publish some insides about SAP Collection and Disbursement (FS-CD) in SAP SCN. That’s highly appreciated.

In addition I would recommend to explain some more FS-CD basics, especially regarding Main Transaction Keys and Sub Transaction Keys, which are crucial.

The most important structure that contains all attributes of an FS-CD Payment Plan Item is “SVVSCPOS_B” (Direct Input Structure of Payment Plan Items). The two most important tables in this regard are “VVSCPOS” (Payment Plan Item) and “VVSCITEM” (Bill Scheduling: Scheduling Document), from my point of view.

Any feeder system (e.g. FS-PM Policy Management, FS-ICM Commission Management, FS-CM Claims Management, FS-RI Re-Insurance Management) has to transfer every single to be paid receivable or payable – according to the attributes of the structure “VVSCPOS_B” – as a Payment Plan Item to FS-CD.

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With other words: any to be paid premium receivable, premium-related discount payable, commission (remuneration) payable, indemnity payable, benefit payable, claim expense payable, clawback receivable, re-insurance treaty premium receivable (or payable), co-insurance share premium payable has to be transformed into a Payment Plan Item, and has to be transferred as such to FS-CD. The same principle applies to taxes (e.g. premium-based insurance taxes), or other receivables or payables that are insurance relevant.

Within FS-CD each Payment Plan Item is utilized to create an FS-CD Document, which can consist of one or mulitple Business Partner Line Items – as well as one or multiple General Ledger (revenue/expenses, or profit/loss) Items. In addition FS-CD offers strong Payment Plan features to distribute for example an annual Payment Plan Item according to the agreed Payment Frequency (e.g. monthly, quarterly, etc.).

Fscd online claims reimbursement program

Amongst further attributes the Main Transaction and Sub Transaction Keys are very powerful (and flexible) to control various Business Transactions, Processes, and Mass Activities in FS-CD. Therefore FS-CD provided different Posting Areas (for example see transaction “FQC0”, and table “TFK033C”), where Main Transaction and Sub Transaction are decisive. The flow looks like: (1) Payment Plan Item > (2) Scheduling Item, if a Payment Plan exists > (3) FS-CD Document with one Document Header, one or mulitple Business Partner Line Items, and one or multiple General Ledger Items.

Please be aware that each Payment Plan Item FS-CD provides two pairs of Main Transaction (HVORG) and Sub Transaction (TVORG) Key fields:
HVORG: Main Transaction for Line Item
TVORG: Subtransaction for Document Item
OPHVORG: Main Transaction for Line Item
OPTVORG: Subtransaction for Document Item

This fact has high importance and impact. One the one hand you can define rough Main and Sub Transaction Keys for the Business Partner Line Item side, while leveraging Item Summarization (defined in FS-CD Customizing “Define Item Summarization Categories”), usually together with Item Grouping. On the other hand you can keep the General Ledger Item side very detailed, with fine granular differentiation on purpose.

Coming back to the FS-CD Business Transactions, Processes, and Mass Activities: almost all of them are controlled by the Main and Sub Transaction keys on part of the Business Partner Line Item side. Thus being said, overall one has to consider all perspectives cross FS-CD processes, mainly:

  1. Main/Sub transaction keys as control parameters (fields) within various FS-CD Posting Areas (see transaction FQC0, and see table TFK033C “Account determination: Control”; content: parameter (field) “HVORG” and/or “TVORG”);
  2. Item Grouping;
  3. Item Summarization;
  4. Invoicing;
  5. Correspondence;
  6. Account Balance Display;
  7. Creation of insurer-initiated incoming Payments (e.g. Direct Debit, Credit Card Payments, etc.);
  8. Processing of customer-initiated incoming Payments (e.g. incoming bank transfer, cheque, cash, etc.);
  9. Clearing;
  10. Creation of outgoing Payments;
  11. Dunning;
  12. Account Determination for the Business Partner item side (Receivables/Payables);
  13. Account Determination for the General Ledger revenue (profit) or expense (loss) side;
  14. Line of Business specific differentiation;
  15. Automatic Clearing (Offsetting) of debits with credits and vice versa;

From this point of view it is valuable to elaborate on these two pairs of Main and Sub Transaction Keys carefully. In my opinion the provided FS-CD Sample Customizing, which is delivered together with the software in standard, doesn’t fulfill fundamental requirements.

Sorry, it was built more than 15 years ago – at a point in time, when SAP didn’t have FS-PM Policy Management, FS-ICM Commission Management, FS-CM Claims Management, or FS-RI Re-Insurance Management … and didn’t have sufficient operational insurance knowledge and experience with FS-CD (because it was a new component). I am even sorrier to say that this FS-CD Sample Customizing, which works properly from a technical view angle, has not been revised and reworked meanwhile.

From my point of view it would be a significant improvement, if SAP could get well thought productively used pairs of Main and Sub Transaction Keys from different insurance companies – with reasons and (legal or business) explanations, why they have been defined in this manner.

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Best regards,