Google Drive Unable To Connect Windows 7
I've been using Google Drive for a while, but recently I have a strange and very annoying problem:
- Google Drive File Stream Not Syncing
- Windows Was Unable To Connect To Wifi
- Unable To Connect Windows Store
After the computer has been idle for a while, the Google Drive icon grays out and hover over it shows the error:
Opening the menu reveals the same error:
If I quit Google Drive and restart it, it connects without any problem.
My questions are:
- Does anyone know a way to get Google Drive to reconnect without having to restart the application?
- Does anyone know why this is happening in the first place so I can fix the problem at its core?
Mar 29, 2017 Now, to setup Google Drive in Windows Explorer, double click on the setup files and click the “Run” button. Google Drive app for desktop will start installing. How to Sync Google Drive on Windows 10/8/7. It’s really simple to sync Google Drive on Windows PC. After the installation is finished, you will see a Google Drive welcome wizard. Sep 30, 2017 - Google Drive and its file uploading/backing up/syncing tool installed on local. Freely from Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 as well as. General Methods to Solve Google Drive Does Not Sync Windows 10. Connect your computer (or device) to your modem (bypass the router).
Update Regarding #2 above, it appears the reason this is happening is that any interruption in Internet connectivity causes Google Drive to disconnect but then it never tries to reconnect, even if connectivity is restored. See the comments below for more information.
4 Answers
I was having the same problem, a simple work around is to quit google drive. Then follow this path 'C:Program FilesGoogleDrivegoogledrivesync.exe'
If you can't find google drive sync, go to your main drive and enter it in the built in search engine.
Don't forget to create a desktop shortcut if this becomes a recurring problem.
This isn't Exactly A fix For your Issue as your ISP is Partially to Blame but i can show you a little bit of a work around and show you how to make a basic script to force refresh google drive i hope it help (Windows vista-10)
Step One: Right click and create a new .txt file
Step Two: Open the New txt file an type the following line (Make Corrections as need)
@Echo Off
taskkill /F /IM googledrivesync.exe
Start /min 'googledrivesync.exe'
Step Three: Save the file as a .bat or .cmd to the location that contains your googledrivesync.exe.
Step Four: Create A shortcut or keybind (or anything else of your preference linking to the file.) and run it any time google disconnects
NOTE:You can Corrupt files 'IF' they are in the 'MIDDLE' of sync it's 'UNCOMMON' as google is very good about handling files but force refreshing Programs can cause negative effects they are few and far between and often very uncommon but 'YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!' don't blame me if you just start rapid refreshing in the middle of an upload to see what it does.
I've experienced a similar problem with google drive on Linux, if my internet interface is turned off, google drive will lose it's connection, and when the interface is turned back on, google drive remains 'unable to connect' until restarted.
Google Drive File Stream Not Syncing
It's possible that one of your power-saving options may be set to disable your network when the computer is 'idle'.While this normally wouldn't affect anything, as when you start moving the mouse it should automatically reconnect instantly, this could cause some programs to lose connectivity while idle.
Google drive seems to have difficulty re-connecting when the interface itself is disconnected from the internet, and then re-connected.
Perhaps you should take a close look at all of your power settings and make sure that windows isn't set to 'disable network interface when computer is idle', as I know that has been an option on most network interface settings in the past, and certain versions of windows have it enabled by default.
Quick answer: Check the time on your PC.
Details: I had the exact same symptoms on an old XP server I usually have running all the time (and it had never been a problem before). It turned out to be that the clock battery was going flat, and when I turned it off briefly for whatever reason, the clock drifted and got slower.
At first it struggled to connect and then eventually, it wasn't even loading the google drive menu when clicking the taskbar icon. I updated the clock which by now was a few days out, and problem solved.
I believe this has something to do with HTTPS security certificates as I was also getting **Your connection is not private**
problem when opening Google with Google Chrome. (I hadn't noticed because I don't normally surf from a server). This was also fixed by updating the time.
Windows Was Unable To Connect To Wifi
RamhoundUnable To Connect Windows Store
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